Nice info-graphic via my Finder-in-Chief Bruno. Now, what’s missing here? Plenty!

My word it does get around! This time at Unbound.
Video link. (table is featured at about 9 mins 30 secs)
Here you go then. Use this link to get to a high resolution version. A3, A1 and rather wonderful AO sized copies on paper are available upon request (no charge except for print, post and a cardbaord tube). See you in the future.
I’ve got maps coming out of my ears! Doing 101 Global risks, a new 2015+ Trends & Technology Timeline, the Future of London and now the Future of the NHS (National Health Service). This last one is a treat because the deadline is 2018 and I’ve got access to 100+ consultants from across the NHS. Bliss.
Really nice spread in this month’s issue of Wired magazine showing the technology timeline that I developed late last year with Imperial College (hand drawn draft above).
Here’s the original link to the map, together with details of the high resolution PDF. If anyone would like to order an A3 full colour hard copy these are available, although there’s a very small charge to cover post and packing.
Original post on tech timeline here….
Interesting list of technologies that didn’t quite make it onto the timeline here…
Some crowd-sourced timelines coming out of the Imperial College technology foresight event last week. First (red) is for cloud-based energy storage, second (yellow) is on designing materials on demand, third (blue) is the merging of life and technology and fourth (purple), is for machines with statistical intuition.
More on the event here.
Yes, that’s right, a timeline for a period of history that hasn’t happened yet. This visualization is now done and I should have a URL for a high-resolution file version in a day or two (I’ll blog with the link as soon as it’s available).
The timeline is based in some of the thinking contained in my new book, FutureVision, and the point, I guess, is that the future forks. We think we are heading in one direction when suddenly reality changes direction. The events of 9 September 2001 might be a good example.
When available the high-resolution timeline will be best printed A3 colour.