There’s a lot of hype and nonsense surrunding AI, especially broad or general AI. This is one of the better lectures on the subject. The video is quite long, so if you’re pressed for time just watch the first 30-minutes. Click here or below.
There’s a lot of hype and nonsense surrunding AI, especially broad or general AI. This is one of the better lectures on the subject. The video is quite long, so if you’re pressed for time just watch the first 30-minutes. Click here or below.
OMG, more merch! I made this myself to lift the mood a little. If you want one, feel free to steal it straight off my back (just copy it). If you live in London, there’s a lovely man called Jim at the Lewes Print Centre (lewesprint.com) that will make you one for almost no money or my son has done a different version, along with zoom mugs at teespring
As Fat Larry’s Band once said: “Oh Zoom you chased away the day.”