New timeline of emerging science & technologies

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Almost there!

BTW, had a brainwave this morning. In Future Files (2007) I used ‘GRIN Technologies’ to denote the key emerging trends in science & technology (Genetics, Robotics, Internet and Nanotech). So how about using ‘BINNG Technologies’ ? These are at the heart of my new timeline with Imperial (Bio-tech, Info-tech (currently Digital), Nano-tech, Neuro-tech, Green-tech). Could use DINNG, but it doesn’t have quite the same ring!

Hopefully have the finished thing up by end of next week. Above is just a rough of the middle (with mistakes).

Map of emerging science & technology


Seems my trends & technology timeline from 2010 has made it to Iran (above).

BTW, my new emerging technologies timeline that I’m doing with Imperial College is done (below) and now just needs some design polish. It has been thought about very carefully indeed, especially by about a dozen PhDs, and should be huge. Far better than anything similar I’ve ever seen. Hopefully available as a free high resolution download in a week or two and good old fashioned A1 and A3 paper wall charts a bit after that.

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Screens Vs Paper (and comprehension)



I’ve just (almost) completed some scenarios for the future of gaming so I’m back in the office scribbling like a demon. The latest scribble is a map of emerging technologies and it occurs to me that I am never happier than when I’ve got a sharp pencil in my hand and a large sheet of white paper stretching out in front of me.

Thinking of this, there was an excellent piece this time last year (22/29 December 2012) in the New Scientist on the power of doodles. Freud, apparently, thought that doodles were a back door into the psyche (of course he did – a carrot was never a carrot, right). Meanwhile, a study by Capital University suggests that the complexity of a doodle is not correlated in any way with how distracted a person is. Indeed, doodling can support concentration and improve memory and understanding. Phew.

While I’m on the subject of paper by the way, there’s an excellent paper on why the brain prefers paper in Scientific American (issue of November 2013). Here are a few choice quotes:

“Whether they realise it or not, people often approach computers and tablets with a state of mind less conductive to learning than the one they bring to paper.”

“In recent research by Karin James of Indiana University Bloomington, the reading circuits of five-year-old children crackled with activity when they practiced writing letters by hand, but not when they typed letters on a keyboard.”

“Screens sometimes impair comprehension precisely because they distort peoples’ sense of place in a text.”

“Students who had read study material on a screen relied much more on remembering than knowing.”

Technology Forecasting Maps



Another map is underway, this time it’s a timeline of current and future technologies and I’m co-producing it with the tech forecasting folks at Imperial College London. There are 5 key lines on the map, Digital-Tech, Nano-Tech, Neuro-Tech, Bio-Tech and Green-Tech. At least there are 5 at the moment. Anyone want to add anything?



Resources for scenario planning and futures thinking

The problem, of course, with saying that you are not blogging for a while (previous post) is that when you start blogging again it could reasonably be expected that you will say something hugely important. Well sorry to disappoint, but I’m still working on that. In the meantime I have noticed a few things of relevance to anyone involved with thinking about the distant future, which I thought I’d share.

The first is a paper by Jessica Bland and Stian Westlake at NESTA (a UK organisation providing grants and research for innovation and early stage ideas). It’s called Don’t Stop Thinking About Tomorrow: A Modest Defence of Futurology. Click here for the PDF (24 pages). Thanks to Alex Ayad at Imperial College London for sending this.

Broadly, what it says is that new forms of data potentially provide a variety of new ways to forecast the immediate future. This, I guess, taps into the thoughts of Nate Silver and the area of ‘Big Data’. The paper also suggests that scenarios – done well I should add – can help organisations to become more resilient in the face of extreme change. Third, it suggests that narratives around how the future could look are essential ingredients in the innovation process. This last point is a good one because in my experience scenarios are generally thought of as a corporate strategy tool when in fact they can also be hugely useful for innovation, category management and risk also.

The other item of interest is a UK Defence Academy document about cyber-crime, although the real ‘find’ is a three by three matrix that Hardin Tibbs at Synthesys Strategic Consulting has developed. As Hardin explains it: “The ‘Cyber Gameboard’ consists of a nine-cell grid. The horizontal direction on the grid is divided into three columns representing aspects of information (i.e. cyber): connection, computation and cognition. The vertical direction on the grid is divided into three rows representing types of power: coercion, co-option, and cooperation. The nine cells of the grid represent all the possible combinations of power and information – in other words, cyberpower. The grid then allows interactions between cyber players to be mapped.” (Thanks to Oliver Freeman at Futures House in Sydney for sending this).










Get the whole report here.

The main image, BTW, is me standing by my Trends and Technology Timeline 2010-2050. It was in a meeting room of a German company earlier this week. They told me in advance that they liked the map and had printed it and put it on a wall, but I wasn’t expecting anything quite so large!

2013: Hello. Goodbye.

I’ve been collaborating with Ross Dawson to create a quick visual summary of some of the things that will be appearing and disappearing in our lives in 2013. The graphic is above and a text list is below.

Here is the full list in text form (in no particular order):


Augmented reality glasses

Thought control

3D printing in the home

Personal DNA testing

Digital butlers

Voice control TV

Customized medicine

Pay by fingerprint

Electric sports cars

Robot sex

Conversational computing

Empathic robots

Gesture interfaces

Flexible, foldable mobile phones


Infinite color at home

Personalized billboards

Networked professional services


Pollution absorbing clothes

Biodegradable electronics

Automated instant translation

Memory implants

Video wallpaper

Retail delivery boxes



Computer mouse


Landline telephones



Video rental stores

Public phones



Weekday newspapers


Chain bookstores


Space tourism

8 hours sleep

Switching off

9-5 workdays

Dining rooms


Shop assistants


Non-internet businesses

Printing photographs

Welfare state

Learning foreign languages

Paper medical records

Watches for under 25s

Focused attention



1970-2040 Timeline

Yes, that’s right, a timeline for a period of history that hasn’t happened yet. This visualization is now done and I should have a URL for a high-resolution file version in a day or two (I’ll blog with the link as soon as it’s available).

The timeline is based in some of the thinking contained in my new book, FutureVision, and the point, I guess, is that the future forks. We think we are heading in one direction when suddenly reality changes direction. The events of 9 September 2001 might be a good example.

When available the high-resolution timeline will be best printed A3 colour.

Life in 2023






Almost map season so I’m looking for … a chemist. I want to do a map based on the periodic table and I need to talk to someone about this. Are there any chemists in London or close by? (Oxford could be good). I’ve read a book called Periodic Tales but I still need to probe an actual person. I’ll buy you/them a good lunch or dinner in exchange for a conversation.

So, today. Seems that 47% of Americans pay to income tax (Mitt Romney – make of it or him what you will) and neither do 90% of Scots. Interesting how the publication of these and other figures illustrate not only a shift to the right but more significantly a move away from the idea of welfare. Seems that goodwill towards others doesn’t apply during hard times (precisely the time you need it).

Other news? This short film about life in 2023 just in from Gordon in Melbourne (thanks mate).