And let’s not talk about the Amazon algorithm recommending certain ‘ingredients’ terrorists may have missed!
Author Archives: Richard
Chinese translation of Digital Vs. Human
Getting a little Orwellian?
Is the future female?
Silver (and red, orange, green and yellow) Service
Prediction of the month
The Museum of Failure
Just found this. Not sure whether to laugh or cry. It reminds me slightly of Stephen Pile’s Not Terribly Good Club of Great Britain (which was forced to close after the founder was shown to be far too competent to run such a club).
The re-invention of public libraries
It’s funny. The moment someone declares something as dead, chances are that whatever it is (vinyl records, fountain pens, paper books, watches, dumb-phones, bespoke tailoring, cinema, polaroid cameras, postcards, beer, butter, cider, cycling, Russia …) it reappears, often with renewed vim and vigour. I think public libraries are a good example.
Excellent article on this subject from the Guardian newspaper (thanks Corrina over in Sydney).
The Future of Education
I posted this a few months ago, but given the volume of articles in the papers recently about exam results (and artificial intelligence) I think it’s worth a re-post.