
Reminds me of the G8 summit in Northern Ireland in 2013 when local officials covered up abandoned shops with posters so that the G8 delegates couldn’t see what was really happening to the town economically. In one former butcher’s shop stickers were applied to the windows to show a shop packed with meat counter giving the impression of prosperity.

Facebook Fatigue

Sums it up pretty well. The other metaphor I quite like is that it’s like you’ve been going to confession for about ten years and you suddenly find out that everything you said to the priest has been sold on to third parties. The other thing about Zuckerberg is I honestly don’t think he understands what the problem is.

An anti-men trend?

Not sure if it’s just me, but misandrous attitudes and behaviour seem to be on the rise. A reaction to misogyny? I’m not sure if this is an example or not, but ‘stamped out’ is quite agressive. Imagine, for a moment, if the quote was reversed and said ‘mediocre women must be stamped out.’

Human Stupidity

Following my post on declining IQ levels I’m starting a new blog category on observed instances of human stupidity. Here is my entry number 1. Oh, I just noticed, I already have a category called Human Stupidity and I posted this very same picture over a year ago. Well that surely proves my point.