As ministers in the UK consider relaxing copyright laws to allow AI companies to plunder written works to train their algorithms it’s time to take a stand. (I always did wonder whether Google’s massive book digitalisation project was for us to read books or for their machines to do so).
A chart showing the development of computing at Cambridge, along with images showing the development of the chart itself.
AI @ Cambridge
Computing @ Cambridge
The evolution of computer science and AI within the Cambridge Ecosystem.
This chart shows a snapshot of firms associated with the computing phenomenon at Cambridge, along with a small selection of academics pushing the field forwards.
These are both bookended by a selection of other pioneering thinkers and companies worldwide. As for the future, below is a modest list of present, probable and possible applications of AI technologies. This is intended to be illustrative (and speculative) rather than definitive (or exhaustive).
Present applications
Spell checking
Spam filtering
Fraud detection
Interactive maps
Movie recommendations
Web searching
Image recognition
Voice recognition
Online shopping
Personalised advertising
Self-driving cars
Face recognition
Automated recruitment
Language translation
Digital assistants
Precision farming
Probable applications
Brain-computer interfaces
Lifelong avatar assistants
Decoding of human intent
Lip reading CCTV
AI board members
Real-time crime prediction
Computers with feelings
Self-writing software
Autonomous robotic surgery
Smart energy grids & appliances
Drone to drone combat
Modelling of crowd behaviour
National mood prediction
Longevity forecasting at birth
Detection of algorithmic biases
Amplification of IQ
Design of ‘impossible’ buildings
Acceleration of drug discovery
Personalised medicine
Volcano modelling
Possible applications
Inner speech recording
Artificial curiosity
Artificial creativity
Dream recording
Amplification of EQ
Automated insights
Decision-making apps
Software that rusts
Foreign policy algorithms
Dynamic allocation of tax revenues
Crisis forecasting
Fake memory implants
Earthquake prediction
Dispute resolution algorithms
Whole planet simulation
AI to AI negotiation
Animal communication
Reanimation of the deceased
VR games based on known fears
Pilotless commercial aircraft
Fully immersive virtual realities
“One day ladies will take their computers for walks in the park and tell each other, “My little computer said such a funny thing this morning”. ~ Alan Turing
A history of computing and artificial intelligence on a single sheet of paper was always a little bit ambitious. Perhaps a little foolish too. Anyway, I’d like to think of this as the equivalent of Joe Cocker singing With a Little Help from My Friends at Woodstock in 1969 – an exhausting yet transcendent moment where mind and body meld together and time stands still. In reality it ended up taking me over and has become a bit of fragmented failure, although maybe one should think of it in quantum terms – simultaneously good and bad, its fate being linked to random events that may or may not occur.
Regardless, it’s been more fun to do than an adult colouring-in book. I did learn quite a bit doing it too (e.g. Nolan Bushnell saying “no” to the offer of 1/3 of Apple Computer for $50,000). It has perhaps laid some foundations to ‘map’ the future of artificial intelligence too. Make what you like of it. If you want to print this ask me for a higher resolution file (which I’ll happily supply for free) or I might print a few large copies myself, so do ask if you want one (smalll charge to cover printing and postage).
Just working on another revision of my artificial intelligence (AI) foundations map. But I like Greg Orme’s idea of turning this map into a series of monthly instalments, each looking at a particular area of computing, AI or robotics. So, for example, one could focus on how literature has influenced robotics and vice versa. Ovid’s Metamorphosis would be a good a place to start, but so might Mary Shelly’s Frankenstein, itself influenced by the Year Without Summer (1816), which was caused by the 1815 eruption of Mount Tambora in Indonesia. (Who knew one could draw a link between a super-volcano in 1815, Mary Shelley in 1818, Isaac Asimov’s iRobot in 1950 and Ex Machina 2015?). If you were really going for it you might even link a 2020 episode of Dr Who (The Haunting of Villa Diodati) in which abnormal weather is linked to the Cybermen.
Or we could look at the origins of the Internet (ARPANET, 1969-1990) and link this to ARPA/DARPA, JCR (Lick) Licklider, Bob Taylor, Vint Cerf and Bob Kahn, but also HG Wells World Brain (1936-8) and Pierre Teilhard de Chardin’s and Vladimir Vernadsky’s ‘The Noosphere’ in 1927 (also attributed to Le Roy). But did you know that Bob Kahn’s father was the futurist Herman Kahn, who worked at RAND, who provided the inspiration for the Dr Strangelove character in Stanley Kubrick’s 1964 film of the same name.
Anyway, bear with, a new improved version of the AI-sphere coming soon…and donl’ forget that once I’ve got the history of artificail intelligence done, my next job is to step into the future and speculate about the future of computing, data science, artificiual intelligence and robotics.
I think I’m getting somewhere with this. I often find that before looking forwards at the future of something, artificial intelligence, for example, it’s often worth going backwards to the start of things. This is a draft of a visual looking at the history and influences of computing and AI.
It needs a sense check, contains errors and is somewhat western-centric, but then I am all of these things. It’s also very male-heavy, but then that was the world back then – and in AI and IT possibly still is. Perhaps I should do a visual showing women in AI – starting with women at Bletchley Park, NASA and so on. I may spin this off into a series of specific maps looking purely at robotics or software too.
History of Computing and AI – Richard Watson, April ’21
My book writing might have hit the doldrums for a moment, but my map making is going gang busters. I’ve got five maps/visuals on the go including two on AI. Here’s a very early sketch of a somewhat expansive map looking at the history and influences of/on AI
Having an interesting conversation yesterday about whether you could use AI to predict future developments in AI. The answer is almost certainty yes. We’ve already got self-writing software, 3D printers that print 3D printers and we are on the cusp of automated scientific discovery. One rather wonders where this would leave humans?