
A quote and a book all on the same day. This is surely a first. The reason for this is that I’m wading through piles of cuttings and printouts for the next issue of What’s Next (#30) and I’m facing an embarrassment of riches.

So here’s the quote:

“In times of crisis, only imagination is more important than knowledge” – Albert Einstein. Old quote right? But note that this is different to the usual quotation, the one that simply states: “Imagination is more important than knowledge.” Quite a different meaning I think you’ll agree.

The book? How about The Revolution will be Digitalised: Dispatches from the Information War by William Heinemann. I haven’t read this yet but it looks interesting, if only for the bit on Julian Assange (I won’t say a word).

Thought for the day

Thought for the day is from Rob Campbell, Head of Planning at Wieden + Kennedy in Shanghai:

“Behind every what is a why”.

BTW, interesting set of pictures of Liam Fox (MP) caught in an embrace with an adult film actress in the papers this morning. Now why would these pictures have suddenly appeared I wonder? Why indeed.

Quote of the Week

Off to France for the day to speak about the shift of power eastwards among other things, so this is somewhat appropriate.

“Ici repose un géant endormi, laissez le dormir, car quand il séveillera, il étonnéra le mondé.” ( “Here lies a sleeping giant, let him sleep, for when he wakes up, he will shock the world”).

Napoleon, speaking about China in 1803.

BTW, chapter one of Future Files in French (for free) here.

From the internet to wine and ideas

I was struggling with The Future of the Internet last night (it’s a book) so I returned to Liquid Memory: Why Wine Matters by Jonathan Nossiter. The start of this is tedious, but once he gets going it’s great. I especially like the thought that Robert Parker (The American wine critic) has replaced one kind of tyranny with another in Bordeaux. What matters now is sweet, alcoholic, overly ripe and generally infantile wines.

Anyway, point of this is he has a nice line in the book, which relates to innovation and scenario planning (keep with me on this it’s worth it). He says that: “No idea exists until it is verbalized. If an idea is badly verbalized it continues not to exist.”

That’s why how people describe new products, services or scenarios is so vitally important. Indeed this is why the naming of a scenario is so critical.