Author Archives: Richard
Messy Desks
Lovely article here about cluttered workspaces

The Evolution of Genomics & Life Sciences at Cambridge University.
The Evolution of Genomics (at Cambridge)
Another good stat
100 years ago in the UK 24 people were aged 100+ Last year (2021) the number was over 10,000.
Quote of the Week
“Our most convinced answers are only questions”
– Christopher Fry.
Almost there…
Oh maybe this explains it!
Stat(s) of the Week
Driving around the UK tends to give one the impression that the country is crowded, built-upon and even ‘full’. However, the proprtion of the UK classified as “continuous urban fabric” is just 0.1% while another 5.3% is classified as “discontinuous urban fabric” in which 50-80% of land is built upon. The rest, let’s be generous and call it 94%, is rural and not built upon in any form.
It’s much the same story with the USA, with under 5% being “developed” (see map). This all feels counter-intuitive, but I think it’s a good example of how our persoanal experience and ‘view’ – if you can call it that – effects our thinking.