Twits or Twats?


Two good things about Twitter today. First some great data visualization (see above) from

Second a remark from a VC overheard in cafe in Palo Alto yesterday – as reported by the Silicon Alley Insider (

“Twitter had better sell out before it’s too late.
Young people don’t like Twitter.
My kids think Twitter’s b******T.”

2010 Trend Map


What am I up to? Today I’m doing a keynote on the future of work at a human resources national convention and then it’s back to work on some scenarios for the future of public libraries. In between I’m doing an update to my book, Future Files, and I’ve just started work on yet another map.

A few people have been asking how I do these maps so I thought I’d start to answer this question. The first stage is a brain dump. I write a list of every significant trend that I can think of. I then dump the trends into categories (lines) on a sheet of very large paper.

The image above is the result of this. The next stage is to look at this information for a month or two and work out what’s wrong with it. What have I missed? What shouldn’t be there? Most of all, how do these lines connect?



Great Brain Map


This is quite cool. A 3D map of the human brain. A genuine image of a brain has been mashed up with an elevation model to create contours and some map data from New Zealand has been added to create the offshore islands. Nice. Thanks to Phil btw who found this little gem. More of the same at

Map of the Interior World

I’ve been on quite a few planes recently. For some unknown reason I thought it would be a good idea and try to paint something at 35,000 feet. People didn’t quite move seats to get away from me but it came close. No idea what
this is or what to do with it. Maybe it could be the basis of a 2010+ trend map?

2009 Trends Map

“What is the use of a book thought Alice, without pictures or conversations?” – Alice in Wonderland.

In the spirit of images and debate here’s the link for the 2009 Trend Blend.
