Here’s a draft matrix produced for an Africa in 2030 project for Save the Children (a pro bono project). So we now need to pick a few brains. First, if anyone out there is interested in Africa we’d love to pick your brain. Second, if you are a scenario planner, especially someone based in Africa or someone that’s been involved in scenarios in the region we’d also love to hear from you.
Here’s the list of possible drivers from the workshops:
Democracy versus autocracy
Quality of education
Internal versus outward mindset (fragmented or not?)
Social equality
Male/female balance
Economic growth
Population (is this uncertain?)
Migration/population movement
External influence (source?)
Influence of China
Phone/internet penetration
Governance (see democracy v autocracy)
Inward flow of investment
Security (physical)
Intervention (development v humanitarian)
Climate Change
Strength of Africa Union
Aid flows
Our first matrix (not shown) set autocratic and democratic against an inward versus outward mindset (engagement with rest of the world high versus low) but my feeling was (still is) that one flows from the other.
The second matrix (also not shown) featured climate change (worse than expect versus better than expected) against the same democracy/autocracy axis.
Any thoughts? Personally I think the wording of Natural Resource Management is wrong or is at the very least ambiguous. Perhaps a better phrase would be something like stewardship of natural resources (selfishly squandered v equitably managed – or perhaps ordered v turbulent?).
Then again perhaps we should just name the axis Resources & the Natural Environment and have an axis based around stability v chaos?).
Views please!