OMG, more merch! I made this myself to lift the mood a little. If you want one, feel free to steal it straight off my back (just copy it). If you live in London, there’s a lovely man called Jim at the Lewes Print Centre (lewesprint.com) that will make you one for almost no money or my son has done a different version, along with zoom mugs at teespring
As Fat Larry’s Band once said: “Oh Zoom you chased away the day.”
The idea behind t-shirt of the week (more often month) is a bit like the old section in Wired magazine called Japanese Schoolgirl Watch. This might sound a little iffy, but is actually about trends and, in particular, catching a shift early. (In Japan, School Girls were often onto fashion trends way before anyone else). It’s much the same with bumper stickers and especially t-shirts. They can express a sentiment, micro-trend or weak signal that perhaps isn’t so obvious elsewhere. Normally my t-shirt posts have a social or political angle. This one just made me laugh.
It’s been a while since I spotted a t-shirt with a good slogan, but I found one yesterday.
Many moons ago (I’ve never used that phrase before , where did that suddenly come from I wonder?) I wrote something on weak signals and mentioned that t-shirt slogans are a good source of weak signals, emerging trends or at least new feelings. Here’s a t-shirt from, rather weirdly, from a cybersecurity conference of all places.