But what’s the signal? Thanks to ‘no name’ as always for these great images. I wonder if there’s any research about whether people are more aggresive to people wearing such things?
Weak signal?
But what’s the signal? Thanks to ‘no name’ as always for these great images. I wonder if there’s any research about whether people are more aggresive to people wearing such things?
Now that’s how you open an article or a book in my view. Great article on inequality in the Atlantic – a fine read if you donlt know it. https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2022/06/asset-economy-high-interest-rates-inflation/661323/
Size of British Army = 73,000. Number of employees at UK, HM Revenue & Customs = 76,890. (Just worked that out myself, so you read this here first!).