Just got the feedback from the publisher on my new book. Great feedback. But essentially it’s a f%$£@!g re-write. That’s my friend on my right. She’s having a bad day too.
Just got the feedback from the publisher on my new book. Great feedback. But essentially it’s a f%$£@!g re-write. That’s my friend on my right. She’s having a bad day too.
Everybody has bad days. I think, even in the future, we will have bad days. But tomorrow will be better (because tomorrow we dress up and get free sweets from strangers)! Rewriting is easier than writing from scratch, and it seems like you think it’s worth doing, but maybe it’s okay to spend the rest of today grumpy.
I’m not grumpy and certainly not angry. Just feel maybe I wasted a load of time over te summer, feeling a bit down, but I don’t think that I really wasted my time (heck, the book is partly about wasting time!!!). It’s all good. A better book will emerge from this. And you are totally right, I’m in a better spot than writing from scratch. 🙂
I’m sure the end result will be all the better for it 🙂