Did a radio interview with the guys from Monocle about the new book today. I thought this was the first interview but I remembered after that I did a pre-record for the BBC World Service last week. I’ll post a link in due course.
If you are in or around London on the 21 October I’m doing a free talk at the RSA (Royal Society for the encouragement of Arts, Manufacturers and Commerce) at lunchtime (roughly 1.00-2.00). The event is currently sold out but I’m told that if enough people put their names on the wait list they’ll use the really big room.
Image is of me at the RSA a few years ago talking about my previous book. At that time I held the record for the most books sold at an RSA event so it will be interesting to see how it goes this time around.
Funny but I have absolutely no idea what I’m going to talk about. OK the book but which bits? Should I use images or just talk? Does the new map make any sense? I’m tempted to open it with the story about a six-year-old asking his mother whether he should put bread in the toaster landscape or portrait. We’ll see…