My Book (Future Files: A History of the Next 50 Years)


My book isn’t out until 3 Sept but I got my first review today. Not bad at all.Here’s another small extract – this time one of the many ‘Postcards from the Future’.

14 November 2030
Dear Ollie,
This will knock you out. I’m sending you something I’ve just found called ‘Leaves.â„¢ It’s a new product from Past Toyz in Shanghai featuring a giant biodegradable plastic bag containing real farm grown leaves that have been hygienically dried and treated with an anti-bacterial agent for ‘safe outdoor fun’ â„¢ Can you believe it? Why didn’t we think of that?  I think the idea is that you empty the bag in your backyard and play with the leaves. Either that or you can drive that hygiene and order fixated neighbor or yours crazy by placing a single leaf on his plastic lawn every night for the next two years.  I suppose the company did some research with Maverns and Connectors that said that people in urban areas aren’t getting as close to nature as they like.  Back in my day leaves grew on trees but the colours weren’t manipulated and the bugs were kept in check by other bugs not chemicals.  Anyway, it certainly made me laugh.  You can always send it back if the joke is lost on you.
All the best,
PS- What’s Next? — aerosol dirt?

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