China (again)

39.jpgBy 2010 the global population should have increased to 6.8 billion (it reached 6 billion in 1999 and currently stands at 6.49 billion), but 95% of global population growth between now and 2010 will come from developing countries, most of them in the East. India will become an economic superpower, especially in services, but most attention will continue to be focused on the potential of its manufacturing based rival China. China is important for a number of reasons including its sheer size (geographically and population wise), its economic growth and its territorial claims. These in turn make China a significant foreign policy player. Thus there will be (is) a significant powershift eastwards. Nevertheless, we shouldn’t forget that China is a totalitarian state with, some would argue, the seeds of its own destruction already sown. Urban-rural conflict, rampant corruption and environmental calamities are all there under the surface.

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