1. Call yourself a futurist
2. Don’t comb your hair
3. Grow a beard (grey is ideal)
4. Wear glasses (even if you don’t need them)
5. Change your name to something really wacky
6. Write a book (or otherwise claim expert status)
7. Make a wild prediction set in the very distant future
8. Avoid any form of detail or explanation
9. Specialise in simplistic sound bites (Twitter is ideal)
10. Try not to be a woman
Damn! I’m already out of the running. Can’t grow a beard and can’t afford the sex change operation!
I’m not kidding about being a man btw. I struggle to think of more than 4 female futurists whereas I can easily top 25 men. Why is that?
Can you tell me the names of the female futurists… who and where are they? Very curious…
There aren’t very many. Susan Oliver would be the key one in Oz. I have come across quite a few in the US but in the UK I can’t think of anyone. The World Future Society would help you out in the US.