Trends 2010

Here is the first of 10 trends for 2010+ Please note that this list of 10 does not replace previous lists. More often than not these are additions rather than replacements. BTW, this first one (and we’re counting down from 10-1) is primarily a UK trend. It’s also not mine. This is Max Kaehn’s idea but my words (thanks Max).

#10 Fear Fatigue

Fed up with being anxious or afraid? You are probably not alone. A spate of recent apocalyptic warnings about everything from total financial meltdown (another Great Depression and the end of Capitalism as we know it), swine flu (millions likely to die), the disappearance of bees (global food shortages), rogue asteroids (total planetary destruction) and deep vein thrombosis on long-haul flights (buy special socks and walk around a lot or you might die) have made some people a little bit jumpy.

On the other hand, there is only so much bad news that people can take. At some point people figure that things are so bad that they can’t possibly get any worse, or else because so many of the  so-called ‘apocalyptic’ warnings and predictions have not come true then you really can’t believe anything anyone says these days — especially nothing uttered by politicians, journalists and scientists. It’s almost a blitz mentality. Things are so gloomy that you might as well just keep calm and carry on in the hope that it’s them and not you.

However, this optimistic silver lining has a nasty dark cloud inside. If the experts are proved wrong time and time again, either due to bad information or because they err of the extreme side of caution, then people will, in all probability, ignore a very real warning when one finally comes along. Best not to worry about that possibility I guess.

Links: Global connectivity, information pandemics, culture of litigation, risk management, Precautionary Principle, flight to the physical, shift to safe savings (bonds, gilts, cash).
Opportunities: People want security, safety and control. They also want things that are simple and easy to understand.

2 thoughts on “Trends 2010

  1. If you want to capitalize on this trend, create products that compare the odds of the latest fear-scare to the odds of dog-bites-man events like being struck by lightning, slipping in the bathtub, etc.

  2. The downside of this trend is the lack of inertia, or paralysis that can prevail over a group or society. Fear over-kill can be numbness and lethargy. What sold like hotcakes may have little impact. What stirs healthy emotion without hype and offers hope without hypocrisy has potential.

    Really looking forward to your series. Thanks.

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