Where do you really think?

I’m repeating some research I did a decade ago and I need your help. Simple question to you. Where (possibly when) do you do your best thinking? I’m defining best as most useful, most productive, most original, most creative and so on.

5 thoughts on “Where do you really think?

  1. I do much of my thinking while reading or walking and sometimes doing both at the same time. I find that while Im reading it is usually more of a study, and I engage in the topics being put forth. I write notes in the margin or counter points. Typically, if a subject truly begins to take hold in my mind, I’ll begin to tell others and each time is an opportunity to learn a bit more. I continue this process and then I usually begin a blog about it (even it fit never leaves my drafts!) or if I find to be of particular practical use I’ll do a live stream on a social media.

    When I’m walking I purposely do so without distraction and seek to enjoy my thoughts. I find it essential to how I operate, and when my walks are limited in a week I find myself cramped within my mind and thus I’ll find a coffee shop or lock myself in my room and begin to journal or blog to get my thoughts out. Again, the physical movement of either typing or writing being an important part of the release of my thoughts. I cannot just sit with them roaming the streets of my conscious.

  2. The where is not a factor, it’s the when.
    And my best thinking is done while writing about something.
    The where is therefore usually at a table.

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