The answer is in the cards

As regular readers will know, I’m a fan of using cards as a way of pushing peoples’ thinking along. I developed a set for KPMG (above) many years ago and another based on Brian Eno’s Oblique Strategy cards with Imperial Tech Foresight a few years back too (see below). Nick Turner at Stratforma uses the format too. Here’s another lovely example, as described by Paul Armstrong on the Forbes blog.

Forbes article.

2 thoughts on “The answer is in the cards

  1. Hi Richard

    Is there a chance for us to buy these cards? Wanted to run a workshop and we really could use these to challenge the team.

    Thank you

  2. I’m afraid they are ‘sold out’. There used to be a virtual deck of cards but the Imperial College TF website got hacked and we lost these two. There are some similar decks floating around. If I can find a link I’ll post it.

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