That book again…

A taste of the technology to come…

Future developments will include other brain enhancing foods (initially using omega 3 oils), foods that aid relaxation (for example chocolate with added amino acids), anti-ageing products, anti-tiredness foods, foods that send you sleep and foods that wake you up. We could even see dream enhancing foods and foods that are designed to trigger specific memories of childhood.

We’ll also see more foods targeted at older people. One of the biggest trends affecting people in developed nations is ageing — particularly the rapid increase of those aged over sixty, many of whom find it difficult to chew or swallow or have very specific dietary requirements. As a result we’ll see more foods like ice cream specifically developed for seniors or crossover foods like easy to eat vegetables and fruit purees that can be eaten by babies and seniors alike.

For people over about forty-five, food will increasingly be linked to well-being and medicine, which means body repair and longevity. For those under the age of forty-five eating will be about the control of body shape and appearance. Thus we will see more products like Norelift (a French jam that contains anti-wrinkle compounds) and perhaps more faddish products like Bust-Up — a Japanese chewing gum that allegedly firms up and improves the appearance of your breasts (honestly this exists). For anyone aged over forty-five the name of the game will be not dying too soon so foods that promise increased longevity or, for example, increased brainpower or memory will start to appear in increasing numbers on supermarket shelves.

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